Emergent Mind

Pre-trained Gaussian processes for Bayesian optimization

Published Sep 16, 2021 in cs.LG and stat.ML


Bayesian optimization (BO) has become a popular strategy for global optimization of expensive real-world functions. Contrary to a common expectation that BO is suited to optimizing black-box functions, it actually requires domain knowledge about those functions to deploy BO successfully. Such domain knowledge often manifests in Gaussian process (GP) priors that specify initial beliefs on functions. However, even with expert knowledge, it is non-trivial to quantitatively define a prior. This is especially true for hyperparameter tuning problems on complex machine learning models, where landscapes of tuning objectives are often difficult to comprehend. We seek an alternative practice for setting these functional priors. In particular, we consider the scenario where we have data from similar functions that allow us to pre-train a tighter distribution a priori. In this work, we detail what pre-training entails for GPs using a KL divergence based loss function, and propose a new pre-training based BO framework named HyperBO. Theoretically, we show bounded posterior predictions and near-zero regrets for HyperBO without assuming the "ground truth" GP prior is known. To verify our approach in realistic model training setups, we collect a large multi-task hyperparameter tuning dataset by training tens of thousands of configurations of near-state-of-the-art deep learning models on popular image and text datasets, as well as a protein sequence dataset. Our results show that on average, HyperBO is able to locate good hyperparameters at least 3 times more efficiently than the best competing methods on both our new tuning dataset and classic multi-task BO benchmarks.

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