Emergent Mind

Adversarially Regularized Policy Learning Guided by Trajectory Optimization

Published Sep 16, 2021 in cs.RO and cs.LG


Recent advancement in combining trajectory optimization with function approximation (especially neural networks) shows promise in learning complex control policies for diverse tasks in robot systems. Despite their great flexibility, the large neural networks for parameterizing control policies impose significant challenges. The learned neural control policies are often overcomplex and non-smooth, which can easily cause unexpected or diverging robot motions. Therefore, they often yield poor generalization performance in practice. To address this issue, we propose adVErsarially Regularized pOlicy learNIng guided by trajeCtory optimizAtion (VERONICA) for learning smooth control policies. Specifically, our proposed approach controls the smoothness (local Lipschitz continuity) of the neural control policies by stabilizing the output control with respect to the worst-case perturbation to the input state. Our experiments on robot manipulation show that our proposed approach not only improves the sample efficiency of neural policy learning but also enhances the robustness of the policy against various types of disturbances, including sensor noise, environmental uncertainty, and model mismatch.

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