Emergent Mind


Numerical solutions of partial differential equations (PDEs) require expensive simulations, limiting their application in design optimization, model-based control, and large-scale inverse problems. Surrogate modeling techniques seek to decrease the computational expense while retaining dominant solution features and behavior. Traditional Convolutional Neural Network-based frameworks for surrogate modeling require lossy pixelization and data-preprocessing, and generally are not effective in realistic engineering applications. We propose alternative deep-learning based surrogate models for discretization-independent, continuous representations of PDE solutions, which can be used for learning and prediction over domains with complex, variable geometry and mesh topology. Three methods are proposed and compared; design-variable-coded multi-layer perceptron (DV-MLP), design-variable hypernetworks (DV-Hnet), and non-linear independent dual system (NIDS). Each method utilizes a main network which consumes pointwise spatial information to provide a continuous representation, allowing predictions at any location in the domain. Input features include a minimum-distance function evaluation to implicitly encode the problem geometry. The geometric design variables, which define and distinguish problem instances, are used differently by each method, appearing as additional main-network input features (DV-MLP), or as hypernetwork inputs (DV-Hnet and NIDS). The methods are applied to predict solutions around complex, parametrically-defined geometries on non-parametrically-defined meshes with model predictions obtained many orders of magnitude faster than the full order models. Test cases include a vehicle-aerodynamics problem with complex geometry and limited training data, with a design-variable hypernetwork performing best, with a competitive time-to-best-model despite a much greater parameter count.

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