Emergent Mind

ARGO: Modeling Heterogeneity in E-commerce Recommendation

Published Sep 13, 2021 in cs.IR


Nowadays, E-commerce is increasingly integrated into our daily lives. Meanwhile, shopping process has also changed incrementally from one behavior (purchase) to multiple behaviors (such as view, carting and purchase). Therefore, utilizing interaction data of auxiliary behavior data draws a lot of attention in the E-commerce recommender systems. However, all existing models ignore two kinds of intrinsic heterogeneity which are helpful to capture the difference of user preferences and the difference of item attributes. First (intra-heterogeneity), each user has multiple social identities with otherness, and these different identities can result in quite different interaction preferences. Second (inter-heterogeneity), each item can transfer an item-specific percentage of score from low-level behavior to high-level behavior for the gradual relationship among multiple behaviors. Thus, the lack of consideration of these heterogeneities damages recommendation rank performance. To model the above heterogeneities, we propose a novel method named intra- and inter-heterogeneity recommendation model (ARGO). Specifically, we embed each user into multiple vectors representing the user's identities, and the maximum of identity scores indicates the interaction preference. Besides, we regard the item-specific transition percentage as trainable transition probability between different behaviors. Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets show that ARGO performs much better than the state-of-the-art in multi-behavior scenarios.

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