Emergent Mind

Predicting Performance of SLAM Algorithms

Published Sep 6, 2021 in cs.RO


Among the abilities that autonomous mobile robots should exhibit, map building and localization are definitely recognized as fundamental. Consequently, countless algorithms for solving the Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) problem have been proposed. Currently, their evaluation is performed ex-post, according to outcomes obtained when running the algorithms on data collected by robots in real or simulated environments. In this paper, we present a novel method that allows the ex-ante prediction of the performance of a SLAM algorithm in an unseen environment, before it is actually run. Our method collects the performance of a SLAM algorithm in a number of simulated environments, builds a model that represents the relationship between the observed performance and some geometrical features of the environments, and exploits such model to predict the performance of the algorithm in an unseen environment starting from its features.

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