Emergent Mind

UserBERT: Contrastive User Model Pre-training

Published Sep 3, 2021 in cs.IR


User modeling is critical for personalized web applications. Existing user modeling methods usually train user models from user behaviors with task-specific labeled data. However, labeled data in a target task may be insufficient for training accurate user models. Fortunately, there are usually rich unlabeled user behavior data which encode rich information of user characteristics and interests. Thus, pre-training user models on unlabeled user behavior data has the potential to improve user modeling for many downstream tasks. In this paper, we propose a contrastive user model pre-training method named UserBERT. Two self-supervision tasks are incorporated in UserBERT for user model pre-training on unlabeled user behavior data to empower user modeling. The first one is masked behavior prediction, which aims to model the relatedness between user behaviors. The second one is behavior sequence matching, which aims to capture the inherent user interests that are consistent in different periods. In addition, we propose a medium-hard negative sampling framework to select informative negative samples for better contrastive pre-training. We maintain a synchronously updated candidate behavior pool and an asynchronously updated candidate behavior sequence pool to select the locally hardest negative behaviors and behavior sequences in an efficient way. Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets in different tasks show that UserBERT can effectively improve various user models.

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