Emergent Mind


Evolutionary clustering algorithms have considered as the most popular and widely used evolutionary algorithms for minimising optimisation and practical problems in nearly all fields. In this thesis, a new evolutionary clustering algorithm star (ECA) is proposed. Additionally, a number of experiments were conducted to evaluate ECA against five state-of-the-art approaches. For this, 32 heterogeneous and multi-featured datasets were used to examine their performance using internal and external clustering measures, and to measure the sensitivity of their performance towards dataset features in the form of operational framework. The results indicate that ECA* overcomes its competitive techniques in terms of the ability to find the right clusters. Based on its superior performance, exploiting and adapting ECA* on the ontology learning had a vital possibility. In the process of deriving concept hierarchies from corpora, generating formal context may lead to a time-consuming process. Therefore, formal context size reduction results in removing uninterested and erroneous pairs, taking less time to extract the concept lattice and concept hierarchies accordingly. In this premise, this work aims to propose a framework to reduce the ambiguity of the formal context of the existing framework using an adaptive version of ECA*. In turn, an experiment was conducted by applying 385 sample corpora from Wikipedia on the two frameworks to examine the reduction of formal context size, which leads to yield concept lattice and concept hierarchy. The resulting lattice of formal context was evaluated to the original one using concept lattice-invariants. Accordingly, the homomorphic between the two lattices preserves the quality of resulting concept hierarchies by 89% in contrast to the basic ones, and the reduced concept lattice inherits the structural relation of the original one.

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