Emergent Mind

The missing link: Developing a safety case for perception components in automated driving

Published Aug 30, 2021 in cs.LG , cs.AI , cs.RO , cs.SE , cs.SY , and eess.SY


Safety assurance is a central concern for the development and societal acceptance of automated driving (AD) systems. Perception is a key aspect of AD that relies heavily on Machine Learning (ML). Despite the known challenges with the safety assurance of ML-based components, proposals have recently emerged for unit-level safety cases addressing these components. Unfortunately, AD safety cases express safety requirements at the system level and these efforts are missing the critical linking argument needed to integrate safety requirements at the system level with component performance requirements at the unit level. In this paper, we propose the Integration Safety Case for Perception (ISCaP), a generic template for such a linking safety argument specifically tailored for perception components. The template takes a deductive and formal approach to define strong traceability between levels. We demonstrate the applicability of ISCaP with a detailed case study and discuss its use as a tool to support incremental development of perception components.

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