Emergent Mind


The complexity class LOGCFL (resp., LOGDCFL) consists of all languages that are many-one reducible to context-free (resp., deterministic context-free) languages using logarithmic space. These complexity classes have been studied over five decades in connection to parallel computation since they are located between Nick's classes $\mathrm{NC}1$ and $\mathrm{NC}2$. In contrast, the state complexity of nonuniform finite-automaton families was first discussed in the 1970s and it has been extensively explored lately for various finite-automata families. We extend this old subject to the stack-state complexity (i.e., the total number of inner states plus simultaneously pushable stack symbol series) of nonuniform families of various pushdown automata. We introduce reasonable "parameterizations" of LOGCFL and LOGDCFL and apply them as a technical tool to establish a close connection between the LOGCFL$\subseteq$LOGDCFL/poly question and the polynomial stack-state complexity of nonuniform families of two-way pushdown automata. We also discuss the precise computational complexity of polynomial-size one-way pushdown automata.

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