Emergent Mind

Learning primal-dual sparse kernel machines

Published Aug 27, 2021 in cs.LG


Traditionally, kernel methods rely on the representer theorem which states that the solution to a learning problem is obtained as a linear combination of the data mapped into the reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS). While elegant from theoretical point of view, the theorem is prohibitive for algorithms' scalability to large datasets, and the interpretability of the learned function. In this paper, instead of using the traditional representer theorem, we propose to search for a solution in RKHS that has a pre-image decomposition in the original data space, where the elements don't necessarily correspond to the elements in the training set. Our gradient-based optimisation method then hinges on optimising over possibly sparse elements in the input space, and enables us to obtain a kernel-based model with both primal and dual sparsity. We give theoretical justification on the proposed method's generalization ability via a Rademacher bound. Our experiments demonstrate a better scalability and interpretability with accuracy on par with the traditional kernel-based models.

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