Emergent Mind

Automata Linear Dynamic Logic on Finite Traces

Published Aug 26, 2021 in cs.LO


Temporal logics are widely used by the Formal Methods and AI communities. Linear Temporal Logic is a popular temporal logic and is valued for its ease of use as well as its balance between expressiveness and complexity. LTL is equivalent in expressiveness to Monadic First-Order Logic and satisfiability for LTL is PSPACE-complete. Linear Dynamic Logic (LDL), another temporal logic, is equivalent to Monadic Second-Order Logic, but its method of satisfiability checking cannot be applied to a nontrivial subset of LDL formulas. Here we introduce Automata Linear Dynamic Logic on Finite Traces (ALDLf) and show that satisfiability for ALDLf formulas is in PSPACE. A variant of Linear Dynamic Logic on Finite Traces (LDLf), ALDLf combines propositional logic with nondeterministic finite automata (NFA) to express temporal constraints. ALDL$_f$ is equivalent in expressiveness to Monadic Second-Order Logic. This is a gain in expressiveness over LTL at no cost.

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