Emergent Mind

AccoMontage: Accompaniment Arrangement via Phrase Selection and Style Transfer

Published Aug 25, 2021 in cs.SD , cs.IR , cs.MM , and eess.AS


Accompaniment arrangement is a difficult music generation task involving intertwined constraints of melody, harmony, texture, and music structure. Existing models are not yet able to capture all these constraints effectively, especially for long-term music generation. To address this problem, we propose AccoMontage, an accompaniment arrangement system for whole pieces of music through unifying phrase selection and neural style transfer. We focus on generating piano accompaniments for folk/pop songs based on a lead sheet (i.e., melody with chord progression). Specifically, AccoMontage first retrieves phrase montages from a database while recombining them structurally using dynamic programming. Second, chords of the retrieved phrases are manipulated to match the lead sheet via style transfer. Lastly, the system offers controls over the generation process. In contrast to pure learning-based approaches, AccoMontage introduces a novel hybrid pathway, in which rule-based optimization and deep learning are both leveraged to complement each other for high-quality generation. Experiments show that our model generates well-structured accompaniment with delicate texture, significantly outperforming the baselines.

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