Emergent Mind

Recurrent multiple shared layers in Depth for Neural Machine Translation

Published Aug 23, 2021 in cs.CL and cs.LG


Learning deeper models is usually a simple and effective approach to improve model performance, but deeper models have larger model parameters and are more difficult to train. To get a deeper model, simply stacking more layers of the model seems to work well, but previous works have claimed that it cannot benefit the model. We propose to train a deeper model with recurrent mechanism, which loops the encoder and decoder blocks of Transformer in the depth direction. To address the increasing of model parameters, we choose to share parameters in different recursive moments. We conduct our experiments on WMT16 English-to-German and WMT14 English-to-France translation tasks, our model outperforms the shallow Transformer-Base/Big baseline by 0.35, 1.45 BLEU points, which is 27.23% of Transformer-Big model parameters. Compared to the deep Transformer(20-layer encoder, 6-layer decoder), our model has similar model performance and infer speed, but our model parameters are 54.72% of the former.

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