Emergent Mind


Physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) show great advantages in solving partial differential equations. In this paper, we for the first time propose to study conformable time fractional diffusion equations by using PINNs. By solving the supervise learning task, we design a new spatio-temporal function approximator with high data efficiency. L-BFGS algorithm is used to optimize our loss function, and back propagation algorithm is used to update our parameters to give our numerical solutions. For the forward problem, we can take IC/BCs as the data, and use PINN to solve the corresponding partial differential equation. Three numerical examples are are carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods. In particular, when the order of the conformable fractional derivative $\alpha$ tends to $1$, a class of weighted PINNs is introduced to overcome the accuracy degradation caused by the singularity of solutions. For the inverse problem, we use the data obtained to train the neural network, and the estimation of parameter $\lambda$ in the equation is elaborated. Similarly, we give three numerical examples to show that our method can accurately identify the parameters, even if the training data is corrupted with 1\% uncorrelated noise.

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