Emergent Mind

Autocomplete Repetitive Stroking with Image Guidance

Published Aug 16, 2021 in cs.GR and cs.HC


Image-guided drawing can compensate for the lack of skills but often requires a significant number of repetitive strokes to create textures. Existing automatic stroke synthesis methods are usually limited to predefined styles or require indirect manipulation that may break the spontaneous flow of drawing. We present a method to autocomplete repetitive short strokes during users' normal drawing process. Users can draw over a reference image as usual. At the same time, our system silently analyzes the input strokes and the reference to infer strokes that follow users' input style when certain repetition is detected. Users can accept, modify, or ignore the system predictions and continue drawing, thus maintaining the fluid control of drawing. Our key idea is to jointly analyze image regions and operation history for detecting and predicting repetitions. The proposed system can effectively reduce users' workload in drawing repetitive short strokes and facilitates users in creating results with rich patterns.

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