Emergent Mind


Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have shown superior performance in analyzing attributed networks in various web-based applications such as social recommendation and web search. Nevertheless, in high-stake decision-making scenarios such as online fraud detection, there is an increasing societal concern that GNNs could make discriminatory decisions towards certain demographic groups. Despite recent explorations on fair GNNs, these works are tailored for a specific GNN model. However, myriads of GNN variants have been proposed for different applications, and it is costly to fine-tune existing debiasing algorithms for each specific GNN architecture. Different from existing works that debias GNN models, we aim to debias the input attributed network to achieve fairer GNNs through feeding GNNs with less biased data. Specifically, we propose novel definitions and metrics to measure the bias in an attributed network, which leads to the optimization objective to mitigate bias. We then develop a framework EDITS to mitigate the bias in attributed networks while maintaining the performance of GNNs in downstream tasks. EDITS works in a model-agnostic manner, i.e., it is independent of any specific GNN. Experiments demonstrate the validity of the proposed bias metrics and the superiority of EDITS on both bias mitigation and utility maintenance. Open-source implementation: https://github.com/yushundong/EDITS.

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