Emergent Mind


Widespread and rapid dissemination of false news has made fact-checking an indispensable requirement. Given its time-consuming and labor-intensive nature, the task calls for an automated support to meet the demand. In this paper, we propose to leverage commonsense knowledge for the tasks of false news classification and check-worthy claim detection. Arguing that commonsense knowledge is a factor in human believability, we fine-tune the BERT language model with a commonsense question answering task and the aforementioned tasks in a multi-task learning environment. For predicting fine-grained false news types, we compare the proposed fine-tuned model's performance with the false news classification models on a public dataset as well as a newly collected dataset. We compare the model's performance with the single-task BERT model and a state-of-the-art check-worthy claim detection tool to evaluate the check-worthy claim detection. Our experimental analysis demonstrates that commonsense knowledge can improve performance in both tasks.

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