Emergent Mind

Distributed Strategy Selection: A Submodular Set Function Maximization Approach

Published Jul 29, 2021 in math.OC and cs.DC


Constrained submodular set function maximization problems often appear in multi-agent decision-making problems with a discrete feasible set. A prominent example is the problem of multi-agent mobile sensor placement over a discrete domain. Submodular set function optimization problems, however, are known to be NP-hard. This paper considers a class of submodular optimization problems that consist of maximization of a monotone and submodular set function subject to a uniform matroid constraint over a group of networked agents that communicate over a connected undirected graph. We work in the value oracle model where the only access of the agents to the utility function is through a black box that returns the utility function value. We propose a distributed suboptimal polynomial-time algorithm that enables each agent to obtain its respective strategy via local interactions with its neighboring agents. Our solution is a fully distributed gradient-based algorithm using the submodular set functions' multilinear extension followed by a distributed stochastic Pipage rounding procedure. This algorithm results in a strategy set that when the team utility function is evaluated at worst case, the utility function value is in 1/c(1-e-c-O(1/T)) of the optimal solution with c to be the curvature of the submodular function. An example demonstrates our results.

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