Emergent Mind

Satisfiability and Synthesis Modulo Oracles

Published Jul 28, 2021 in cs.LO , cs.LG , and cs.PL


In classic program synthesis algorithms, such as counterexample-guided inductive synthesis (CEGIS), the algorithms alternate between a synthesis phase and an oracle (verification) phase. Many synthesis algorithms use a white-box oracle based on satisfiability modulo theory (SMT) solvers to provide counterexamples. But what if a white-box oracle is either not available or not easy to work with? We present a framework for solving a general class of oracle-guided synthesis problems which we term synthesis modulo oracles. In this setting, oracles may be black boxes with a query-response interface defined by the synthesis problem. As a necessary component of this framework, we also formalize the problem of satisfiability modulo theories and oracles, and present an algorithm for solving this problem. We implement a prototype solver for satisfiability and synthesis modulo oracles and demonstrate that, by using oracles that execute functions not easily modeled in SMT-constraints, such as recursive functions or oracles that incorporate compilation and execution of code, SMTO and SyMO are able to solve problems beyond the abilities of standard SMT and synthesis solvers.

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