Emergent Mind

Type theories in category theory

Published Jul 28, 2021 in cs.LO and cs.PL


We introduce basic notions in category theory to type theorists, including comprehension categories, categories with attributes, contextual categories, type categories, and categories with families along with additional discussions that are not very closely related to type theories by listing definitions, lemmata (with detailed, diagram-rich proofs), and remarks. By doing so, this introduction becomes more friendly as a referential material to be read in random order (instead of from the beginning to the end). In the end, we list some mistakes made in the early versions of this introduction. The interpretation of common type formers in dependent type theories are discussed based on existing categorical constructions instead of mechanically derived from their type theoretical definition. Non-dependent type formers include unit, products (as fiber products), and functions (as fiber exponents), and dependent ones include sigma types, extensional equalities (as equalizers), pi types, and the universe of (all) propositions (as the subobject classifier).

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