Emergent Mind


Bayesian optimization (BO) is an approach to globally optimizing black-box objective functions that are expensive to evaluate. BO-powered experimental design has found wide application in materials science, chemistry, experimental physics, drug development, etc. This work aims to bring attention to the benefits of applying BO in designing experiments and to provide a BO manual, covering both methodology and software, for the convenience of anyone who wants to apply or learn BO. In particular, we briefly explain the BO technique, review all the applications of BO in additive manufacturing, compare and exemplify the features of different open BO libraries, unlock new potential applications of BO to other types of data (e.g., preferential output). This article is aimed at readers with some understanding of Bayesian methods, but not necessarily with knowledge of additive manufacturing; the software performance overview and implementation instructions are instrumental for any experimental-design practitioner. Moreover, our review in the field of additive manufacturing highlights the current knowledge and technological trends of BO. This article has a supplementary material online.

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