Emergent Mind

Gradient Play in $n$-Cluster Games with Zero-Order Information

Published Jul 27, 2021 in cs.GT , cs.SY , and eess.SY


We study a distributed approach for seeking a Nash equilibrium in $n$-cluster games with strictly monotone mappings. Each player within each cluster has access to the current value of her own smooth local cost function estimated by a zero-order oracle at some query point. We assume the agents to be able to communicate with their neighbors in the same cluster over some undirected graph. The goal of the agents in the cluster is to minimize their collective cost. This cost depends, however, on actions of agents from other clusters. Thus, a game between the clusters is to be solved. We present a distributed gradient play algorithm for determining a Nash equilibrium in this game. The algorithm takes into account the communication settings and zero-order information under consideration. We prove almost sure convergence of this algorithm to a Nash equilibrium given appropriate estimations of the local cost functions' gradients.

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