Emergent Mind


Fixating fractured pelvis fragments with the sacroiliac screw is a common treatment for unstable pelvis fracture. Due to the complex shape of the pelvis, sometimes a suitable straight screw fixation channel cannot be found using traditional methods, which increases the difficulty of pelvic fracture fixation. Therefore, there is an urgent need to find a new screw fixation method to improve the feasibility of pelvic fracture fixation. In this study, a new method of arc nail fixation is proposed to treat the pelvic fracture. An algorithm is proposed to verify the feasibility of the internal arc fixation channel (IAFC) in the pelvis, and the algorithm can calculate a relatively optimal IAFC in the pelvis. Furthermore, we compared the advantages and disadvantages of arc channel and straight channel through experiments. This study verified the feasibility of the IAFC, and the comparison of experimental results shows that the adaptability and safety of the arc channel fixation is better than the traditional straight sacroiliac screw.

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