Emergent Mind

Robust Topology Optimization Using Variational Autoencoders

Published Jul 19, 2021 in cs.LG


Topology Optimization is the process of finding the optimal arrangement of materials within a design domain by minimizing a cost function, subject to some performance constraints. Robust topology optimization (RTO) also incorporates the effect of input uncertainties and produces a design with the best average performance of the structure while reducing the response sensitivity to input uncertainties. It is computationally expensive to carry out RTO using finite element and Monte Carlo sampling. In this work, we use neural network surrogates to enable a faster solution approach via surrogate-based optimization and build a Variational Autoencoder (VAE) to transform the the high dimensional design space into a low dimensional one. Furthermore, finite element solvers will be replaced by a neural network surrogate. Also, to further facilitate the design exploration, we limit our search to a subspace, which consists of designs that are solutions to deterministic topology optimization problems under different realizations of input uncertainties. With these neural network approximations, a gradient-based optimization approach is formed to minimize the predicted objective function over the low dimensional design subspace. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach on two compliance minimization problems and show that VAE performs well on learning the features of the design from minimal training data, and that converting the design space into a low dimensional latent space makes the problem computationally efficient. The resulting gradient-based optimization algorithm produces optimal designs with lower robust compliances than those observed in the training set.

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