Emergent Mind

Algorithms for hard-constraint point processes via discretization

Published Jul 19, 2021 in cs.DS and math.PR


We study algorithmic applications of a natural discretization for the hard-sphere model and the Widom-Rowlinson model in a region $\mathbb{V}\subset\mathbb{R}d$. These models are used in statistical physics to describe mixtures of one or multiple particle types subjected to hard-core interactions. For each type, particles follow a Poisson point process with a type specific activity parameter (fugacity). The Gibbs distribution is characterized by the mixture of these point processes conditioned that no two particles are closer than a type-dependent distance threshold. A key part in better understanding the Gibbs distribution is its normalizing constant, called partition function. We give sufficient conditions that the partition function of a discrete hard-core model on a geometric graph based on a point set $X \subset \mathbb{V}$ closely approximates those of such continuous models. Previously, this was only shown for the hard-sphere model on cubic regions $\mathbb{V}=[0, \ell)d$ when $X$ is exponential in the volume of the region $\nu(\mathbb{V})$, limiting algorithmic applications. In the same setting, our refined analysis only requires a quadratic number of points, which we argue to be tight. We use our improved discretization results to approximate the partition functions of the hard-sphere model and the Widom-Rowlinson efficiently in $\nu(\mathbb{V})$. For the hard-sphere model, we obtain the first quasi-polynomial deterministic approximation algorithm for the entire fugacity regime for which, so far, only randomized approximations are known. Furthermore, we simplify a recently introduced fully polynomial randomized approximation algorithm. Similarly, we obtain the best known deterministic and randomized approximation bounds for the Widom-Rowlinson model. Moreover, we obtain approximate sampling algorithms for the respective spin systems within the same fugacity regimes.

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