Emergent Mind

A New Parallel Algorithm for Sinkhorn Word-Movers Distance and Its Performance on PIUMA and Xeon CPU

Published Jul 14, 2021 in cs.DC , cs.AR , cs.LG , and cs.PF


The Word Movers Distance (WMD) measures the semantic dissimilarity between two text documents by computing the cost of optimally moving all words of a source/query document to the most similar words of a target document. Computing WMD between two documents is costly because it requires solving an $O(V3log(V))$ optimization problem where $V$ is the number of unique words in the document. Fortunately, WMD can be framed as an Earth Mover's Distance (EMD) for which the algorithmic complexity can be reduced to $O(V2)$ by adding an entropy penalty to the optimization problem and solving it using the Sinkhorn-Knopp algorithm. Additionally, the computation can be made highly parallel by adopting a batching approach, i.e., computing the WMD of a single query document against multiple target documents at once. Sinkhorn WMD is a key kernel used in many ML/NLP applications. and usually gets implemented in Python. However, a straightforward Python implementation may leave significant performance on the table even though it may internally call optimized C++ BLAS routines. We present a new sparse {P}arallel {A}lgorithm for {S}inkhorn-Knopp {W}ord-movers {D}istance to compute the semantic distance of one document to many other documents by adopting the $O(V2)$ EMD algorithm. We algorithmically transform $O(V2)$ dense compute-heavy EMD version into an equivalent sparse one using new fused SDDMM-SpMM (sparse selection of dense-dense matrix-, sparse-dense matrix-multiplication) kernels. We implemented and optimized this algorithm for two very different architectures -- the new Intel Programmable Integrated Unified Memory Architecture (PIUMA) and Intel Xeon CPUs. We show that we were able to reach close to peak performance on both platforms.

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