Emergent Mind


In neural Information Retrieval, ongoing research is directed towards improving the first retriever in ranking pipelines. Learning dense embeddings to conduct retrieval using efficient approximate nearest neighbors methods has proven to work well. Meanwhile, there has been a growing interest in learning sparse representations for documents and queries, that could inherit from the desirable properties of bag-of-words models such as the exact matching of terms and the efficiency of inverted indexes. In this work, we present a new first-stage ranker based on explicit sparsity regularization and a log-saturation effect on term weights, leading to highly sparse representations and competitive results with respect to state-of-the-art dense and sparse methods. Our approach is simple, trained end-to-end in a single stage. We also explore the trade-off between effectiveness and efficiency, by controlling the contribution of the sparsity regularization.

Comparison of SPLADE models' performance and FLOPS based on regularization strength $\lambda$ on MS MARCO.


  • The paper introduces SPLADE, a novel model for first-stage document retrieval that combines the efficiency of sparse models with the power of neural representations.

  • SPLADE incorporates a log-saturation effect and sparse regularization to produce highly effective and efficient sparse representations for Information Retrieval.

  • The model is evaluated on the MS MARCO dataset, demonstrating superior performance over traditional sparse models and competitive results against dense retrieval methods.

  • SPLADE's approach offers practical advantages for search engines, indicating a promising direction for future research in bridging sparse and dense retrieval paradigms.

Exploring SPLADE: A Fresh Take on Sparse Models for First-Stage Ranking in Information Retrieval


In the landscape of Information Retrieval (IR), the pursuit of models that can efficiently and accurately perform first-stage ranking—wherein an initial subset of documents is retrieved from a large collection in response to a query—has been of paramount interest. Traditionally, this task has leaned heavily on bag-of-words (BOW) models such as BM25 due to their efficiency and the convenience of inverted indexes. However, the advent of neural Information Retrieval and the emergence of dense embeddings have introduced alternative paradigms, albeit at a cost to the interpretability and exact matching capabilities inherent to BOW models. Amidst this context, the paper titled "SPLADE: Sparse Lexical and Expansion Model for First Stage Ranking" proposes a novel approach that aims to marry the efficiency and exact matching benefits of sparse models with the representational power of neural models.

Sparse Representations in Neural IR

Sparse representations in IR, which essentially aim to create document and query vectors with a significant number of zeroes, promise several advantages. These include leveraging inverted indexes for fast retrieval and ensuring that only the semantically meaningful terms contribute to the retrieval process. Despite the growing interest in dense embeddings for document retrieval, the inefficiencies and opacities associated with them have reignited interest in learning efficient and interpretable sparse representations. The paper builds on prior works like SparTerm but introduces crucial innovations that significantly enhance both the sparsity and effectiveness of the resulting representations.

SPLADE: Key Innovations

The SPLADE model presented in the paper hinges on a few key modifications to prior approaches to create highly sparse and effective representations:

  • Log-Saturation Effect: By incorporating a logarithmic activation function, SPLADE ensures a natural sparsification of the representations. This not only prevents a few terms from disproportionately influencing the representation but also aligns with traditional IR heuristics of term frequency saturation.
  • Sparse Regularization: The paper explores the use of explicit sparse regularization, specifically the FLOPS regularization, to further encourage sparsity in the representations. This regularization approach directly correlates with retrieval efficiency by minimizing the expected computational cost of retrieval, offering a practical lever to balance efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Efficient and End-to-End Training Process: Unlike its precursors, SPLADE is trained end-to-end in a single stage, simplifying the training pipeline. The use of in-batch negatives (IBN) and a ranking loss that accounts for both positive and hard negatives within the batch contributes to its robustness and competitive performance.

Empirical Validation

SPLADE's effectiveness is thoroughly evaluated on the MS MARCO passage ranking dataset and compared against a spectrum of both sparse and dense first-stage retrieval methods. The experiments substantiate SPLADE's superiority over traditional sparse models and its competitive edge against state-of-the-art dense retrieval approaches. Notably, SPLADE demonstrates a compelling trade-off between efficiency (as measured by floating-point operations or FLOPS) and effectiveness (as measured by metrics such as MRR@10 and NDCG@10), showcasing its utility for practical IR applications.

The Implications and Future Directions

The contributions of SPLADE have several ramifications for the field of Information Retrieval:

  • Practical Utility: By providing a method to control the sparsity/efficiency trade-off explicitly, SPLADE offers a flexible tool for search engines to optimize their retrieval pipelines according to their specific constraints and objectives.
  • Bridging Sparse and Dense Retrieval Paradigms: SPLADE hints at a convergence between the interpretability and efficiency of sparse models and the representational richness of dense embeddings, promising a unified framework that leverages the strengths of both approaches.
  • A Foundation for Future Research: The simplicity and effectiveness of SPLADE establish a solid foundation for further exploration and enhancement in the domain of sparse representation learning for IR.

In conclusion, SPLADE represents a significant step forward in the quest for efficient and effective first-stage retrieval models. It not only achieves competitive performance against the latest dense retrieval models but does so with a simple, interpretable, and highly efficient architecture. As such, it marks an exciting development in the ongoing evolution of Information Retrieval technologies.

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