Emergent Mind

Multimodal Icon Annotation For Mobile Applications

Published Jul 9, 2021 in cs.CV , cs.AI , and cs.HC


Annotating user interfaces (UIs) that involves localization and classification of meaningful UI elements on a screen is a critical step for many mobile applications such as screen readers and voice control of devices. Annotating object icons, such as menu, search, and arrow backward, is especially challenging due to the lack of explicit labels on screens, their similarity to pictures, and their diverse shapes. Existing studies either use view hierarchy or pixel based methods to tackle the task. Pixel based approaches are more popular as view hierarchy features on mobile platforms are often incomplete or inaccurate, however it leaves out instructional information in the view hierarchy such as resource-ids or content descriptions. We propose a novel deep learning based multi-modal approach that combines the benefits of both pixel and view hierarchy features as well as leverages the state-of-the-art object detection techniques. In order to demonstrate the utility provided, we create a high quality UI dataset by manually annotating the most commonly used 29 icons in Rico, a large scale mobile design dataset consisting of 72k UI screenshots. The experimental results indicate the effectiveness of our multi-modal approach. Our model not only outperforms a widely used object classification baseline but also pixel based object detection models. Our study sheds light on how to combine view hierarchy with pixel features for annotating UI elements.

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