Emergent Mind

Sublinear Regret for Learning POMDPs

Published Jul 8, 2021 in cs.LG and math.OC


We study the model-based undiscounted reinforcement learning for partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs). The oracle we consider is the optimal policy of the POMDP with a known environment in terms of the average reward over an infinite horizon. We propose a learning algorithm for this problem, building on spectral method-of-moments estimations for hidden Markov models, the belief error control in POMDPs and upper-confidence-bound methods for online learning. We establish a regret bound of $O(T{2/3}\sqrt{\log T})$ for the proposed learning algorithm where $T$ is the learning horizon. This is, to the best of our knowledge, the first algorithm achieving sublinear regret with respect to our oracle for learning general POMDPs.

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