Emergent Mind


This paper presents a robust density-based topology optimization approach for synthesizing pressure-actuated compliant mechanisms. To ensure functionality under manufacturing inaccuracies, the robust or three-field formulation is employed, involving dilated, intermediate and eroded realizations of the design. Darcy's law in conjunction with a conceptualized drainage term is used to model the pressure load as a function of the design vector. The consistent nodal loads are evaluated from the obtained pressure field using the standard finite element method. The objective and load sensitivities are obtained using the adjoint-variable approach. A multi-criteria objective involving both the stiffness and flexibility of the mechanism is employed in the robust formulation, and min-max optimization problems are solved to obtain pressure-actuated inverter, gripper, and contractor compliant mechanisms with different minimum feature sizes. Limitations of the linear elasticity assumptions while designing mechanisms are identified with high pressure loads. Challenges involved in designing finite deformable pressure-actuated compliant mechanisms are presented.

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