Emergent Mind

Solving Machine Learning Problems

Published Jul 2, 2021 in cs.LG


Can a machine learn Machine Learning? This work trains a machine learning model to solve machine learning problems from a University undergraduate level course. We generate a new training set of questions and answers consisting of course exercises, homework, and quiz questions from MIT's 6.036 Introduction to Machine Learning course and train a machine learning model to answer these questions. Our system demonstrates an overall accuracy of 96% for open-response questions and 97% for multiple-choice questions, compared with MIT students' average of 93%, achieving grade A performance in the course, all in real-time. Questions cover all 12 topics taught in the course, excluding coding questions or questions with images. Topics include: (i) basic machine learning principles; (ii) perceptrons; (iii) feature extraction and selection; (iv) logistic regression; (v) regression; (vi) neural networks; (vii) advanced neural networks; (viii) convolutional neural networks; (ix) recurrent neural networks; (x) state machines and MDPs; (xi) reinforcement learning; and (xii) decision trees. Our system uses Transformer models within an encoder-decoder architecture with graph and tree representations. An important aspect of our approach is a data-augmentation scheme for generating new example problems. We also train a machine learning model to generate problem hints. Thus, our system automatically generates new questions across topics, answers both open-response questions and multiple-choice questions, classifies problems, and generates problem hints, pushing the envelope of AI for STEM education.

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