Emergent Mind

An Improved Fixed-Parameter Algorithm for 2-Club Cluster Edge Deletion

Published Jul 2, 2021 in cs.DS and cs.CC


A 2-club is a graph of diameter at most two. In the decision version of the parametrized {\sc 2-Club Cluster Edge Deletion} problem, an undirected graph $G$ is given along with an integer $k\geq 0$ as parameter, and the question is whether $G$ can be transformed into a disjoint union of 2-clubs by deleting at most $k$ edges. A simple fixed-parameter algorithm solves the problem in $\mathcal{O}*(3k)$, and a decade-old algorithm was claimed to have an improved running time of $\mathcal{O}*(2.74k)$ via a sophisticated case analysis. Unfortunately, this latter algorithm suffers from a flawed branching scenario. In this paper, an improved fixed-parameter algorithm is presented with a running time in $\mathcal{O}*(2.695k)$.

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