Emergent Mind


In the world where big data reigns and there is plenty of hardware prepared to gather a huge amount of non structured data, data acquisition is no longer a problem. Surveillance cameras are ubiquitous and they capture huge numbers of people walking across different scenes. However, extracting value from this data is challenging, specially for tasks that involve human images, such as face recognition and person re-identification. Annotation of this kind of data is a challenging and expensive task. In this work we propose a domain adaptation workflow to allow CNNs that were trained in one domain to be applied to another domain without the need for new annotation of the target data. Our method uses AlignedReID++ as the baseline, trained using a Triplet loss with batch hard. Domain adaptation is done by using pseudo-labels generated using an unsupervised learning strategy. Our results show that domain adaptation techniques really improve the performance of the CNN when applied in the target domain.

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