Emergent Mind

Regularized OFU: an Efficient UCB Estimator forNon-linear Contextual Bandit

Published Jun 29, 2021 in cs.LG and cs.AI


Balancing exploration and exploitation (EE) is a fundamental problem in contex-tual bandit. One powerful principle for EE trade-off isOptimism in Face of Uncer-tainty(OFU), in which the agent takes the action according to an upper confidencebound (UCB) of reward. OFU has achieved (near-)optimal regret bound for lin-ear/kernel contextual bandits. However, it is in general unknown how to deriveefficient and effective EE trade-off methods for non-linearcomplex tasks, suchas contextual bandit with deep neural network as the reward function. In thispaper, we propose a novel OFU algorithm namedregularized OFU(ROFU). InROFU, we measure the uncertainty of the reward by a differentiable function andcompute the upper confidence bound by solving a regularized optimization prob-lem. We prove that, for multi-armed bandit, kernel contextual bandit and neuraltangent kernel bandit, ROFU achieves (near-)optimal regret bounds with certainuncertainty measure, which theoretically justifies its effectiveness on EE trade-off.Importantly, ROFU admits a very efficient implementation with gradient-basedoptimizer, which easily extends to general deep neural network models beyondneural tangent kernel, in sharp contrast with previous OFU methods. The em-pirical evaluation demonstrates that ROFU works extremelywell for contextualbandits under various settings.

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