Emergent Mind

APNN-TC: Accelerating Arbitrary Precision Neural Networks on Ampere GPU Tensor Cores

Published Jun 23, 2021 in cs.DC , cs.AI , cs.AR , and cs.CV


Over the years, accelerating neural networks with quantization has been widely studied. Unfortunately, prior efforts with diverse precisions (e.g., 1-bit weights and 2-bit activations) are usually restricted by limited precision support on GPUs (e.g., int1 and int4). To break such restrictions, we introduce the first Arbitrary Precision Neural Network framework (APNN-TC) to fully exploit quantization benefits on Ampere GPU Tensor Cores. Specifically, APNN-TC first incorporates a novel emulation algorithm to support arbitrary short bit-width computation with int1 compute primitives and XOR/AND Boolean operations. Second, APNN-TC integrates arbitrary precision layer designs to efficiently map our emulation algorithm to Tensor Cores with novel batching strategies and specialized memory organization. Third, APNN-TC embodies a novel arbitrary precision NN design to minimize memory access across layers and further improve performance. Extensive evaluations show that APNN-TC can achieve significant speedup over CUTLASS kernels and various NN models, such as ResNet and VGG.

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