Emergent Mind


Deep learning has recently been applied to optical music recognition (OMR). However, currently OMR processing from various sheet music images still lacks precision to be widely applicable. Here, we present an MMdA (Measure-based Multimodal deep learning (DL)-driven Assembly) method allowing for end-to-end OMR processing from various images including inclined photo images. Using this method, measures are extracted by a deep learning model, aligned, and resized to be used for inference of given musical symbol components by using multiple deep learning models in sequence or in parallel. Use of each standardized measure enables efficient training of the models and accurate adjustment of five staff lines in each measure. Multiple musical symbol component category models with a small number of feature types can represent a diverse set of notes and other musical symbols including chords. This MMdA method provides a solution to end-to-end OMR processing with precision.

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