Emergent Mind


Providing a human-understandable explanation of classifiers' decisions has become imperative to generate trust in their use for day-to-day tasks. Although many works have addressed this problem by generating visual explanation maps, they often provide noisy and inaccurate results forcing the use of heuristic regularization unrelated to the classifier in question. In this paper, we propose a new general perspective of the visual explanation problem overcoming these limitations. We show that visual explanation can be produced as the difference between two generated images obtained via two specific conditional generative models. Both generative models are trained using the classifier to explain and a database to enforce the following properties: (i) All images generated by the first generator are classified similarly to the input image, whereas the second generator's outputs are classified oppositely. (ii) Generated images belong to the distribution of real images. (iii) The distances between the input image and the corresponding generated images are minimal so that the difference between the generated elements only reveals relevant information for the studied classifier. Using symmetrical and cyclic constraints, we present two different approximations and implementations of the general formulation. Experimentally, we demonstrate significant improvements w.r.t the state-of-the-art on three different public data sets. In particular, the localization of regions influencing the classifier is consistent with human annotations.

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