Emergent Mind

Determining when a truncated generalised Reed-Solomon code is Hermitian self-orthogonal

Published Jun 18, 2021 in cs.IT , math.CO , math.IT , and quant-ph


We prove that there is a Hermitian self-orthogonal $k$-dimensional truncated generalised Reed-Solomon code of length $n \leqslant q2$ over ${\mathbb F}{q2}$ if and only if there is a polynomial $g \in {\mathbb F}{q2}$ of degree at most $(q-k)q-1$ such that $g+gq$ has $q2-n$ distinct zeros. This allows us to determine the smallest $n$ for which there is a Hermitian self-orthogonal $k$-dimensional truncated generalised Reed-Solomon code of length $n$ over ${\mathbb F}{q2}$, verifying a conjecture of Grassl and R\"otteler. We also provide examples of Hermitian self-orthogonal $k$-dimensional generalised Reed-Solomon codes of length $q2+1$ over ${\mathbb F}{q2}$, for $k=q-1$ and $q$ an odd power of two.

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