Emergent Mind


In deep neural network modeling, the most common practice is to stack a number of recurrent, convolutional, or feed-forward layers in order to obtain high-quality continuous space representations which in turn improves the quality of the network's prediction. Conventionally, each layer in the stack has its own parameters which leads to a significant increase in the number of model parameters. In this paper, we propose to share parameters across all layers thereby leading to a recurrently stacked neural network model. We report on an extensive case study on neural machine translation (NMT), where we apply our proposed method to an encoder-decoder based neural network model, i.e., the Transformer model, and experiment with three Japanese--English translation datasets. We empirically demonstrate that the translation quality of a model that recurrently stacks a single layer 6 times, despite having significantly fewer parameters, approaches that of a model that stacks 6 layers where each layer has different parameters. We also explore the limits of recurrent stacking where we train extremely deep NMT models. This paper also examines the utility of our recurrently stacked model as a student model through transfer learning via leveraging pre-trained parameters and knowledge distillation, and shows that it compensates for the performance drops in translation quality that the direct training of recurrently stacked model brings. We also show how transfer learning helps in faster decoding on top of the already reduced number of parameters due to recurrent stacking. Finally, we analyze the effects of recurrently stacked layers by visualizing the attentions of models that use recurrently stacked layers and models that do not.

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