Emergent Mind


Modern E-commerce websites contain heterogeneous sources of information, such as numerical ratings, textual reviews and images. These information can be utilized to assist recommendation. Through textual reviews, a user explicitly express her affinity towards the item. Previous researchers found that by using the information extracted from these reviews, we can better profile the users' explicit preferences as well as the item features, leading to the improvement of recommendation performance. However, most of the previous algorithms were only utilizing the review information for explicit-feedback problem i.e. rating prediction, and when it comes to implicit-feedback ranking problem such as top-N recommendation, the usage of review information has not been fully explored. Seeing this gap, in this work, we investigate the effectiveness of textual review information for top-N recommendation under E-commerce settings. We adapt several SOTA review-based rating prediction models for top-N recommendation tasks and compare them to existing top-N recommendation models from both performance and efficiency. We find that models utilizing only review information can not achieve better performances than vanilla implicit-feedback matrix factorization method. When utilizing review information as a regularizer or auxiliary information, the performance of implicit-feedback matrix factorization method can be further improved. However, the optimal model structure to utilize textual reviews for E-commerce top-N recommendation is yet to be determined.

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