Emergent Mind


Gaussian process optimization is a successful class of algorithms(e.g. GP-UCB) to optimize a black-box function through sequential evaluations. However, for functions with continuous domains, Gaussian process optimization has to rely on either a fixed discretization of the space, or the solution of a non-convex optimization subproblem at each evaluation. The first approach can negatively affect performance, while the second approach requires a heavy computational burden. A third option, only recently theoretically studied, is to adaptively discretize the function domain. Even though this approach avoids the extra non-convex optimization costs, the overall computational complexity is still prohibitive. An algorithm such as GP-UCB has a runtime of $O(T4)$, where $T$ is the number of iterations. In this paper, we introduce Ada-BKB (Adaptive Budgeted Kernelized Bandit), a no-regret Gaussian process optimization algorithm for functions on continuous domains, that provably runs in $O(T2 d\text{eff}2)$, where $d\text{eff}$ is the effective dimension of the explored space, and which is typically much smaller than $T$. We corroborate our theoretical findings with experiments on synthetic non-convex functions and on the real-world problem of hyper-parameter optimization, confirming the good practical performances of the proposed approach.

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