Emergent Mind

Thinking Like Transformers

Published Jun 13, 2021 in cs.LG and cs.CL


What is the computational model behind a Transformer? Where recurrent neural networks have direct parallels in finite state machines, allowing clear discussion and thought around architecture variants or trained models, Transformers have no such familiar parallel. In this paper we aim to change that, proposing a computational model for the transformer-encoder in the form of a programming language. We map the basic components of a transformer-encoder -- attention and feed-forward computation -- into simple primitives, around which we form a programming language: the Restricted Access Sequence Processing Language (RASP). We show how RASP can be used to program solutions to tasks that could conceivably be learned by a Transformer, and how a Transformer can be trained to mimic a RASP solution. In particular, we provide RASP programs for histograms, sorting, and Dyck-languages. We further use our model to relate their difficulty in terms of the number of required layers and attention heads: analyzing a RASP program implies a maximum number of heads and layers necessary to encode a task in a transformer. Finally, we see how insights gained from our abstraction might be used to explain phenomena seen in recent works.


  • The paper introduces the Restricted Access Sequence Processing Language (RASP), a programming language designed to model transformer computations and demystify their operations through high-level programming primitives.

  • Experiments demonstrate that transformers trained with RASP-derived tasks replicate the expected computational patterns with high accuracy, revealing the practical utility and theoretical insights provided by the model.

  • RASP offers implications for better understanding transformer expressiveness, model interpretability, automated neural architecture design, and potential extensions to other sequence models.

Essay on "Thinking Like Transformers"

Gail Weiss, Yoav Goldberg, and Eran Yahav have proposed an innovative computational model for transformer-encoders in their recent work titled "Thinking Like Transformers". This model, referred to as the Restricted Access Sequence Processing Language (RASP), conceptualizes the transformer architecture in the form of a simple programming language. Their objective is to demystify the abstract operations of transformers by translating them into high-level programming primitives, thereby providing a new lens to analyze and understand transformer computations.

The RASP Language

RASP abstracts transformer computations by focusing on two main components: attention mechanisms and feed-forward computations. The language defines programs around elementary operations to mirror these components. A notable strength of RASP is its ability to map high-level sequence processing tasks directly into transformer-compatible operations. For example, RASP includes primitives for elementwise operations, selection, and aggregation—each corresponding to crucial parts of transformer layers.

Numerical Results and Analysis

In the experimental section, the authors demonstrate that transformers, trained with RASP-derived tasks, can replicate the expected computational patterns with high accuracy. This includes tasks such as reversing sequences, computing histograms, sorting, and recognizing Dyck languages. Specifically, double-histogram transformers achieved a test accuracy of 99.9%, with matchings between the RASP attention patterns and the actual learned attention patterns, indicating that the RASP model indeed captures the necessary complexity of the tasks.

Implications for Theoretical and Practical Developments

The implications of the research presented in this paper span both theoretical and practical domains:

  1. Theoretical Insights: By formalizing transformer operations through RASP, the research delineates a clear framework to determine the computational characteristics of transformer models. This includes identifying the maximum necessary layers and attention heads for specific tasks, thereby providing insights into transformer expressiveness.
  2. Empirical Generalizations: The experiments with sorting and computing histograms (with and without a BOS token) illustrate that transformers can learn these structured tasks accurately and efficiently when provided with the appropriate attention patterns. This enhances our understanding of how transformers might inherently handle structured data.
  3. Transformer Variants: The concept of restricted-attention transformers is examined through the lens of RASP. The authors argue that sparse attention mechanisms could potentially weaken the model's expressiveness, especially in tasks requiring (O(n \log(n))) operations. This assertion counters some efficient transformer designs and urges a reassessment of trade-offs between computational efficiency and expressiveness.

Future Directions in AI Research

The introduction of RASP opens several avenues for advanced AI research and model introspection:

  • Model Interpretability: RASP can serve as a foundation for further exploratory studies into the interpretability of transformer models. Using RASP-derived programs, researchers can decompose complex models into more understandable and analyzable components, facilitating the debugging and improvement of neural architectures.
  • Automated Architecture Design: The formal language approach can lead to automated methods for designing neural network architectures tailored to specific tasks. By combining RASP with meta-learning and architecture search techniques, it might be possible to automatically generate optimal transformer designs.
  • Extended Formalism: Future research might extend RASP to encompass broader neural architectures, potentially providing a unified modeling framework for not only transformers but also other sequence models like RNNs and CNNs. This can streamline the comparative studies across various neural paradigms.


The paper by Weiss, Goldberg, and Yahav, "Thinking Like Transformers", marks a significant step forward in formalizing the computational underpinnings of transformer architectures. By introducing RASP, the authors provide a high-level, formal language that captures the essence of transformer operations, enabling both theoretical analysis and practical application. Their work bridges a crucial gap in understanding how transformers perform complex sequence operations and lays the groundwork for future advancements in AI research.

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