Emergent Mind

Quantum Algorithms and Simulation for Parallel and Distributed Quantum Computing

Published Jun 12, 2021 in quant-ph and cs.DC


A viable approach for building large-scale quantum computers is to interlink small-scale quantum computers with a quantum network to create a larger distributed quantum computer. When designing quantum algorithms for such a distributed quantum computer, one can make use of the added parallelization and distribution abilities inherent in the system. An added difficulty to then overcome for distributed quantum computing is that a complex control system to orchestrate the various components is required. In this work, we aim to address these issues. We explicitly define what it means for a quantum algorithm to be distributed and then present various quantum algorithms that fit the definition. We discuss potential benefits and propose a high-level scheme for controlling the system. With this, we present our software framework called Interlin-q, a simulation platform that aims to simplify designing and verifying parallel and distributed quantum algorithms. We demonstrate Interlin-q by implementing some of the discussed algorithms using Interlin-q and layout future steps for developing Interlin-q into a control system for distributed quantum computers.

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