Emergent Mind


The success in designing Code-Switching (CS) ASR often depends on the availability of the transcribed CS resources. Such dependency harms the development of ASR in low-resourced languages such as Bengali and Hindi. In this paper, we exploit the transfer learning approach to design End-to-End (E2E) CS ASR systems for the two low-resourced language pairs using different monolingual speech data and a small set of noisy CS data. We trained the CS-ASR, following two steps: (i) building a robust bilingual ASR system using a convolution-augmented transformer (Conformer) based acoustic model and n-gram language model, and (ii) fine-tuned the entire E2E ASR with limited noisy CS data. We tested our method on MUCS 2021 challenge and achieved 3rd place in the CS track. We then tested the proposed method using noisy CS data released for Hindi-English and Bengali-English pairs in Multilingual and Code-Switching ASR Challenges for Low Resource Indian Languages (MUCS 2021) and achieved 3rd place in the CS track. Unlike, the leading two systems that benefited from crawling YouTube and learning transliteration pairs, our proposed transfer learning approach focused on using only the limited CS data with no data-cleaning or data re-segmentation. Our approach achieved 14.1% relative gain in word error rate (WER) in Hindi-English and 27.1% in Bengali-English. We provide detailed guidelines on the steps to finetune the self-attention based model for limited data for ASR. Moreover, we release the code and recipe used in this paper.

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