Emergent Mind

KupenStack: Kubernetes based Cloud Native OpenStack

Published Jun 5, 2021 in cs.DC


OpenStack is an open-source private cloud used to run VMs and its related cloud services. OpenStack deployment, management, and upgradation require lots of efforts and manual troubleshooting. Also, workloads and services offered by OpenStack cannot self-heal itself on failures. We present KupenStack, a Cloud-Native OpenStack as Code model built on top of Kubernetes stack as Custom Resources. KupenStack is a controller that interacts between Kubernetes and OpenStack and automates complex operations like scaling, LCM, zero-downtime, self-healing, version upgrades, configuration management, and offers OpenStack as a service through code. KupenStack builds cloud-native values like immutable infrastructure, declarative APIs for OpenStack without changing any OpenStack code. If a VM workload goes down for some reason, then KupenStack handles it and automatically spins up a new instance. KupenStack uses OpenStack on Kubernetes deployment for lifecycle management of OpenStack.

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