Emergent Mind

Improved batch code lower bounds

Published Jun 3, 2021 in cs.IT and math.IT


Batch codes are a useful notion of locality for error correcting codes, originally introduced in the context of distributed storage and cryptography. Many constructions of batch codes have been given, but few lower bound (limitation) results are known, leaving gaps between the best known constructions and best known lower bounds. Towards determining the optimal redundancy of batch codes, we prove a new lower bound on the redundancy of batch codes. Specifically, we study (primitive, multiset) linear batch codes that systematically encode $n$ information symbols into $N$ codeword symbols, with the requirement that any multiset of $k$ symbol requests can be obtained in disjoint ways. We show that such batch codes need $\Omega(\sqrt{Nk})$ symbols of redundancy, improving on the previous best lower bounds of $\Omega(\sqrt{N}+k)$ at all $k=n\varepsilon$ with $\varepsilon\in(0,1)$. Our proof follows from analyzing the dimension of the order-$O(k)$ tensor of the batch code's dual code.

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