Emergent Mind

Emotional Voice Conversion: Theory, Databases and ESD

Published May 31, 2021 in cs.CL


In this paper, we first provide a review of the state-of-the-art emotional voice conversion research, and the existing emotional speech databases. We then motivate the development of a novel emotional speech database (ESD) that addresses the increasing research need. With this paper, the ESD database is now made available to the research community. The ESD database consists of 350 parallel utterances spoken by 10 native English and 10 native Chinese speakers and covers 5 emotion categories (neutral, happy, angry, sad and surprise). More than 29 hours of speech data were recorded in a controlled acoustic environment. The database is suitable for multi-speaker and cross-lingual emotional voice conversion studies. As case studies, we implement several state-of-the-art emotional voice conversion systems on the ESD database. This paper provides a reference study on ESD in conjunction with its release.

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