Emergent Mind

A Robust and Generalized Framework for Adversarial Graph Embedding

Published May 22, 2021 in cs.LG and cs.SI


Graph embedding is essential for graph mining tasks. With the prevalence of graph data in real-world applications, many methods have been proposed in recent years to learn high-quality graph embedding vectors various types of graphs. However, most existing methods usually randomly select the negative samples from the original graph to enhance the training data without considering the noise. In addition, most of these methods only focus on the explicit graph structures and cannot fully capture complex semantics of edges such as various relationships or asymmetry. In order to address these issues, we propose a robust and generalized framework for adversarial graph embedding based on generative adversarial networks. Inspired by generative adversarial network, we propose a robust and generalized framework for adversarial graph embedding, named AGE. AGE generates the fake neighbor nodes as the enhanced negative samples from the implicit distribution, and enables the discriminator and generator to jointly learn each node's robust and generalized representation. Based on this framework, we propose three models to handle three types of graph data and derive the corresponding optimization algorithms, i.e., UG-AGE and DG-AGE for undirected and directed homogeneous graphs, respectively, and HIN-AGE for heterogeneous information networks. Extensive experiments show that our methods consistently and significantly outperform existing state-of-the-art methods across multiple graph mining tasks, including link prediction, node classification, and graph reconstruction.

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