Emergent Mind


Demand response (DR) refers to change in electricity consumption pattern of customers during on-peak hours in lieu of financial gains to reduce stress on distribution systems. Existing dynamic price models have not provided adequate success to price-based demand response (PBDR) programs. It happened as these models have raised typical socio-economic problems pertaining to cross-subsidy, free-riders, social inequity, assured profit of utilities, financial gains and comfort of customers, etc. This paper presents a new dynamic price model for PBDR in distribution systems which aims to overcome some of the above mentioned problems of the existing price models. The main aim of the developed price model is to overcome the problems of cross-subsidy and free-riders of the existing price models for widespread acceptance, deployment and efficient utilization of PBDR programs in contemporary distribution systems. Proposed price model generates demand-linked price signal that imposes different price signals to different customers during on-peak hours and remains static otherwise. This makes proposed model a class apart from other existing models. The novelty of the proposed model lies in the fact that the financial benefits and penalties pertaining to DR are self-adjusted among customers while preserving social equity and profit of the utility. Such an ideology has not been yet addressed in the literature. Detailed investigation of application results on a standard test bench reveals that the proposed model equally cares regarding the interests of both customers and utility. For economic assessment, a comparison of the proposed price model with the existing pricing models is also performed.

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