Emergent Mind

Automated Biodesign Engineering by Abductive Meta-Interpretive Learning

Published May 17, 2021 in cs.AI and cs.LG


The application of AI to synthetic biology will provide the foundation for the creation of a high throughput automated platform for genetic design, in which a learning machine is used to iteratively optimise the system through a design-build-test-learn (DBTL) cycle. However, mainstream machine learning techniques represented by deep learning lacks the capability to represent relational knowledge and requires prodigious amounts of annotated training data. These drawbacks strongly restrict AI's role in synthetic biology in which experimentation is inherently resource and time intensive. In this work, we propose an automated biodesign engineering framework empowered by Abductive Meta-Interpretive Learning ($Meta{Abd}$), a novel machine learning approach that combines symbolic and sub-symbolic machine learning, to further enhance the DBTL cycle by enabling the learning machine to 1) exploit domain knowledge and learn human-interpretable models that are expressed by formal languages such as first-order logic; 2) simultaneously optimise the structure and parameters of the models to make accurate numerical predictions; 3) reduce the cost of experiments and effort on data annotation by actively generating hypotheses and examples. To verify the effectiveness of $Meta{Abd}$, we have modelled a synthetic dataset for the production of proteins from a three gene operon in a microbial host, which represents a common synthetic biology problem.

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